Crate Training

A crate can be the dog's safe space

Using (but not abusing) a crate can be a useful and kind way of guiding your dog to more appropriate behaviour.

dog in crate

The thought of confining a dog to crate can seem harsh and unnecessary to some owners. However, when this is viewed as providing the dog with a safe, comfortable den that he chooses to lie in, the perception changes. Introduced correctly, a crate can be one of the most useful pieces of equipment you purchase.

Crates can be used at home when you go out or have non-doggy children visiting. They can be used in the car for safety and security and they can taken with you on holiday so no matter where you are, the dog has his regular sleeping area right there too - literally providing a home from home. With care, they can be used to help with house-training and home alone training. And, should the worst happen and your dog has to stay overnight at the vet’s or is put on restricted exercise, e.g. due to a broken leg, your crate trained dog will not have to go through the additional trauma of unfamiliar close confinement as he will already view crates as great place to be.

Now that some of the virtues of crate training have been extolled, we must warn of the danger of abusing this useful tool. Crates should be used for SHORT TERM confinement only. Leaving your dog home alone in a crate for 8 hours every day is unacceptable. However, leaving him/her there for 2 hours would be fine. The crate must be large enough to allow the dog to stand up, turn around and lie down comfortably. There should also be space for a bowl of water. If you buy a crate for your puppy, plan ahead. Don’t buy one that fits just right now, buy one that will fit the dog for his whole life.

So you’ve got your crate - what next? How do you get your dog in there? What you don’t do is shove him/her in and quickly shut the door to stop them coming back out! Comfortable bedding is a must. It should be thick enough to provide warmth, and allow for the dog to paw at it to make it more nest-like. The next step is to tie the door open. If it is not tied open it may accidentally close at the wrong time and so set your crate training back a few steps.

Finally, make sure you have some tasty titbits on hand which you can use to encourage your pup into the crate and reward him whenever he’s there. Clicker training works particularly well for this exercise. Start by calling the pup and throwing a titbit just inside the crate. As (s)he moves in to eat it, gently praise them -  ‘clever puppy.’ Repeat this several times, each time throwing a titbit further into the crate until the pup has to go all the way inside to eat it. You can then start to say ‘in your bed’ just before the dog goes into the crate. The routine should go like this:

  • Say "in your bed"
  • Throw the treat into the crate
  • Dog goes inside and eats the treat

Once your dog is happy with this, you can start to delay throwing the food in until the dog has already walked into the crate. And so the routine would change to:

  • Say "in your bed"
  • Wait for the dog to go in (do not repeat the verbal cue, just wait patiently)
  • Give him the titbit the instant he goes into the crate

In order to help the dog get used to the crate, allow them to wander in and out whenever (s)he likes. If you see them in the crate, you can praise them and drop a food treat in for them. If you have made the crate inviting enough you will probably find that your dog will start to choose it as a sleeping area.

The next step is to feed the dog in the crate. Prepare their food, put it in the crate and then, as before, say "in your bed". This time instead of just a titbit the dog finds his whole dinner in there - what a great place to be! At first, leave the door open. Closing the door too soon can make the dog nervous or suspicious, and so (s)he may become more reluctant to go into the crate. However, once (s)he happily trots in for the feeds, you can start closing the door while (s)he is eating and opening it just as (s)he finishes.

When you are crate training, try and be very low key when the puppy comes out of the crate. Save all your praise and excitement for when (s)he is inside. Your dog will soon learn that they get lots of attention, affection and goodies inside the crate, but very little outside. Practise this little and often. If all feeds are given in the crate you will automatically have at least three or four practice sessions per day with a puppy, or two with an adult dog. 

Next you need to accustom the dog to short confinement. Stuff some of their dinner into a Kong toy. Sit this in the bowl with the remainder of the dinner and place it in the crate. When your dog goes in as usual, close the door and leave them there while they eat dinner and empty the Kong. (Emptying a stuffed Kong should already be familiar to them before you do this.) You can also leave them in there for short periods by giving them a chew or stuffed bone. By gradually building up the time they spend in thecrate, it shouldn’t take long for them to learn that the doggy den is THE place to be. From start to finish it should take about a week to crate train your dog. However, don’t try and rush things, go at their pace.

Points to note:

  • Always ensure your has gone to the toilet before leaving him in his crate
  • If the dog starts to bark, whine or scratch at the crate, ignore him. Wait until they are quiet and then open the door
  • NEVER USE THE CRATE TO PUNISH YOUR DOG. The crate is a place of safety, security and all the good things in life. Using the crate as a sin-bin will undermine these good associations
  • Your dog should not spend more than two hours at a stretch in their crate (much less for a puppy) and no more than four hours in total in any day.